IDDSI is the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative.
The IDDSI committee is known for the framework it established that provides a common terminology to describe food and drink texture and thickness.
You may have heard of soft and bite sized, minced and moist and pureed among the full range of levels. These standards are referred to by food manufactures to help people with swallowing issues to choose suitable meals. You can find out more about the framework on our ‘The IDDSI Framework” page.
The committee came together in 2013 with a goal of developing international standardised terminology and descriptors for dysphagia diets. The resulting framework meets the needs of individuals with dysphagia across the age span, all care setting and all cultures.
IDDSI is headquartered in Canada. There are local volunteer representatives in numerous countries throughout the world.
Its mission is to facilitate the safe consumption and enjoyment of food and drink by all persons with eating and drinking difficulties (dysphagia). By maintaining the IDDSI Framework, a common language and system of practical and valid measurement techniques for naming and describing food texture and drink thickness; continuing to provide free access to the Framework, documents, and electronic resources; and fostering global implementation and use of IDDSI.

IDDSI is supported by many leading international organisations. In the UK these including the NHS, Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, British Dietetics Association, and National Association of Care Catering.
Please note, this site is NOT the official IDDSI website. Please visit the official website for the most current information and resources.
Click the link below for information from the IDDSI website.