Helping people with Dysphagia and their carers
Providing information and resources to improve the lives of people with swallowing difficulties.

Stan’s Choice was founded by Stan’s sons, Eric and Ian, having experienced the challenges for people with swallowing issues and how they impact on their family and carers.
Providing information and support for people with swallowing issues who risk choking when eating food.
“When Dad started having difficulty in swallowing food and we feared it would go down the wrong way and he’d choke, we did not really know what to do.
“Back then we had never heard of the term dysphagia, did not know what IDDSI [the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative] is and did not understand the role of a speech and language therapist in aiding safe swallowing.
“We have learned a lot and now want to share this with other people and their carers to help reduce the anxiety and frustration when a loved one is anxious to eat for risk of choking.”
Eric and Ian Haworth
Please click on the link below for information on dysphagia and how to manage it safely.
We thought Dad’s swallowing issue was due to old age. We learnt that it was the neurological problem caused by underlying health issues such as dementia, stroke survivors, Parkinson’s disease, MND [motor neurone disease], and these can affect people of a wide range of ages.
Please click the link below for links to organisations that provide support to people with swallowing issues known as dysphagia.
Providing help to people with underlying conditions of all ages.
Providing smaller portion, tasty. affordable and nutritious ready meals that are easy to swallow.
Stan had difficulty in swallowing food, partly because he feared it would go down the wrong way and he’d choke. Mealtimes were a challenge. We struggled to find ready meals that he would choose to eat. Many of the available ready meals he found bland and unappetising.
To make it easier for others in our situation, we are in the process of developing a range of ready meals that comply with the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative framework. This provides a common terminology to describe food textures and drink thickness.
There are five levels of food textures from regular to liquidised. We are developing meals that conform with three of these levels: ‘soft and bite-sized’, ‘minced and moist’ and ‘puréed’.
Our ready meals will be available through the link below.
The information contained in this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have before undertaking a new healthcare regime. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.