Helpful info

Helpful info
The information contained in this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have before undertaking a new healthcare regime. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
This section aims to answer the sort of questions we had when caring for Stan. It summarises
information on relevant websites, rather than repeating advice in full. Some of the pages provide links to external sites and fact sheets for fuller information that will open in new tabs.

Why do people struggle to swallow food and drink?
More people than you may imagine struggle to swallow food and drink and it is not only elderly people who suffer.The condition is called dysphagia.

What are the common signs of dysphagia?
Dysphagia refers to the difficulty or discomfort in swallowing food or liquids. The reasons for dysphagia can vary depending on the underlying cause and severity

How many people in the world have dysphagia?
Dysphagia, or swallowing issues, can affect individuals of all ages, although it is more commonly observed in older adults and those with certain health conditions.

What is the difference between dysphasia and dysphagia?
Many of us do not understand the difference between dysphasia and dysphagia. They are two different terms that refer to distinct conditions related to language

I can’t eat much due to my swallowing issues
Even if you are not moving around much, it is still important to consume enough calories each day to keep you body healthy. As our

How many calories a day do I need?
You may think that if you are not as active as you used to be you don’t need to eat much. However, calories are important

Losing weight due to swallowing issues
Losing weight from swallowing issues can be experienced when sufficient calories are not eaten on a regular basis. This can cause weakness and reduce the

Are Dietitian and Nutritionist the same?
In everyday use the terms Dietitian and Nutritionist are often interchanged but there is a significant difference in their work. Crucially, only dietitians can recommend

Important to stay hydrated
Drinking enough fluid is not only about keeping the body cool. I first learnt about the importance of drinking enough fluid when dad was admitted

I have difficulty swallowing medicine
It may become more difficult to swallow medicine in either a tablet or liquid form as the issue of swallowing deteriorates. This is a difficult

Best oral hygiene practice with swallowing issues
Trying to clean the mouth of someone with swallowing issue can be traumatic. The task is made even more complex if the person has dementia

What is IDDSI?
IDDSI is the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative. The IDDSI committee is known for the framework it established that provides a common terminology to describe

What is the IDDSI framework?
Please note, this site is NOT the official IDDSI website. Please visit the official website of IDDSI at for the most current information and

IDDSI Level 6 Soft and Bite-sized diet
For many people who begin to have swallowing issues, a soft and bite-sized diet may be recommended by your healthcare provider. Most people find food

IDDSI Level 5 Minced and Moist
For many people, when the ability to swallow becomes more of an issue, a diet of ‘minced and moist food’ may be recommended by your

IDDSI Level 4 Puréed
As time goes by, for many people the ability to swallow becomes more challenging. A puréed diet food may be recommended by your healthcare provider.

The fork drip, spoon tilt and pressure tests
IDDSI put in place testing methods that uses commonly available utensils to determine the level of food and drinks. Forks and spoons were chosen as

The Role of Speech and Language Therapist and swallowing difficulties
Speech and language therapists play an important role in supporting adults who have eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties (dysphagia) to eat and drink safely. They

What are the full details of the swallowing process?
After you start the swallowing process it should continue without any conscious thought. When the involuntary phases of swallowing cease to happen automatically and reliably,

What is meant by bolus in swallowing?
The term “bolus” has different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. The two common uses are outlined below. Medical Context: In

What happens when food gets into the lungs?
A normal swallow is one where a flap called the epiglottis moves to ensure that air goes down the tube to your lungs (the trachea)

What to do when someone is choking
It can be very traumatic either suffering a choking fit when swallowing or as the carer being present when someone is choking. Minimising the risk

What is a video fluoroscopy?
A video fluoroscopy is a clinical examination to determine the cause and severity of a swallowing problem. In a normal swallow, when you swallow, a