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What to do when someone is choking

It can be very traumatic either suffering a choking fit when swallowing or as the carer being present when someone is choking.

Minimising the risk of choking

By being aware of the circumstance that cause someone to choke hopefully we can minimise the risk.

Being in the correct position such as sitting up when in bed or in a chair is key to safer eating. People with dysphagia need to sit upright in erect position, propped up with pillows if unable to sit erect themselves. Contrary to common perception, the head should be tilted slightly forward with the chin down to aid the swallowing process. To aid the latter, if the person with dysphagia is being fed, the carer should sit at or below eye level.

The following advice is in addition to preparing food in accordance with specific medical advice given to the person with dysphagia, such as  ensuring that food is in small pieces or puréed or thickened liquids.

Eat food and drink liquids slowly. To help ensure this, avoid someone with dysphagia feeling pressured to eat or drink faster, for example, because they are eating with others with normal swallowing.

Further information of mealtime positioning for people with swallowing issues can be found on  the Nutrica web site by clicking the link below.

Knowing how to manage choking

If it is only a mild choking fit then the person should be able to clear the blockage by the natural reaction to cough or cleat their throat. Perhaps with a little encouragement to keep coughing and spit out anything in their mouth.

Rather than repeat this critically important information please see below the following link to the information from NHS gives detail guidance on the action to take when someone is choking.

It’s important to stay calm and act quickly when someone is choking.

If you’re unsure about what to do, it is better to phone 999 and  seek immediate medical assistance They will tell you how to handle the situation.

This information is based on the action to take in the United Kingdom. The telephone number to call will vary depending on your location.

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