Speech and language therapists play an important role in supporting adults who have eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties (dysphagia) to eat and drink safely. They do this by working directly with individuals or indirectly by training others, including families and the wider health and care workforce, to identify and manage problems.
Speech and language therapists have a unique role in the assessment, diagnosis and management of swallowing difficulties. They:
Play a key role in the diagnosis of dysphagia.
Help people regain their swallowing through exercises, techniques and positioning.
Promote patient safety through modifying the texture of food and fluids, reducing the risk of malnutrition, dehydration and choking.
Promote quality of life, taking into account an individual’s and their families’ preferences and beliefs, and helping them adjust to living with swallowing difficulties.
Work with other healthcare staff, particularly dietitians, to optimise nutrition and hydration.

Educate and train others in identifying, assessing and managing dysphagia, including families and the wider health and care workforce.
The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapy produce an excellent fact sheet on dysphagia. Please click the link below for more information.