Please note, this site is NOT the official IDDSI website. Please visit the official website of IDDSI at for the most current information and resources.
The IDDSI framework consists of a continuum of 8 levels (0 – 7), where drinks are measured from Levels 0 – 4, while foods are measured from Levels 3 – 7. The IDDSI Framework provides a common terminology to describe food textures and drink thickness.
There are standardised colours for each level help to visually identify the different levels and texture of food and drink associated with that level.
IDDSI Testing Methods are intended to confirm the flow or textural characteristics of a particular product at the time of testing. Specification are given for each level of the size of food particles or the rate at which a liquid will flow. We outline some tests you can do at home on our page, How can you test if food meets the IDDSI criteria?
IDDSI have ‘Patient Handout’ sheets for the specification of each level. Visit the IDDIS web site following the link below for more details.
Testing should be done on foods and drinks under the intended serving conditions (especially temperature). For example the sauce that meat may be cooked in could become thicker as it cools.
Your medical professional, such as a speech and language therapist, can make recommendations for foods or drinks for your particular needs based on a comprehensive clinical assessment. Your needs can change and a regular review is required to ensure that you recieve food at the correct IDDSI framework level.
As always, ask you doctor or healthcare professional for further information. to help you prepare a diet plan for the right IDDSI level to meet your unique needs.