IDDSI put in place testing methods that uses commonly available utensils to determine the level of food and drinks. Forks and spoons were chosen as utensils that were available in most kitchen.
By carrying out the following tests, which can be done at home, it is possible to check what level food falls into.
Testing should be done on foods and drinks under the intended serving conditions, especially temperature. For example, a sauce may be could be thicker as it cools, so testing it cool could give a misleading impression about how thick it will be when served.
Fork Drip Test
The Fork Drip Test is used to check the correct thickness and cohesiveness in Levels 3-5 foods. It assesses whether the food flows through or how it holds together on the prongs of a fork. This is then compared against the detailed descriptions of each level.
Spoon Tilt Test
The spoon tilt test is used to determine the stickiness of foods (adhesiveness). It also tests the ability of the food to hold together (cohesiveness).

Fork Pressure Test and Spoon Pressure Test
These pressure tests are used to check how firm or hard food is. This looks at how the food changes when pressure is applied with the tines/prongs of a fork or the back of a spoon.
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