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I have difficulty swallowing medicine

It may become more difficult to swallow medicine in either a tablet or liquid form as the issue of swallowing deteriorates. This is a difficult subject and one that can be very traumatic. We want to do the best for those we care for.

If it is becoming a challenge, then it is important to talk to your doctor and/or speech land language therapist to discuss the various options recommended and the right approach for your needs.

One option is to crush tablets and there are pill crushers that make this easy. The crushed tablets can then be mixed with something like apple sauce or honey to make the tablet go down more easily. However, it may not always be the right thing to crush tablets as this can affect the speed at which they are absorbed into the body. 

Your doctor may be able to prescribe medicine in a liquid form that could be easier to take.

Your doctor may also be able to advise of the critical tablets/medicine to be taken.

Are there any other ways to help take medication?

There is also a medication lubricant that may help with taking medication.Please see the link below to a company called Gloup. Ask your doctor or speech and language therapist to confirm if this is suitable for you to use before changing your routine.

Hiding tablet in food is a complicated ethical matter. Once again the way the medicine is administered may affect how it is absorbed into the body and any such approach should only be done with the written approval of the person’s GP, consultant or pharmacist.


Your doctor may be able to prescribe medication in a liquid form that is easier to take. The Speech and Language Therapist may also advise on how safe it is to take the liquid form given you individual circumstance.

Taking medication can be complex, especially with dysphagia. However, don’t just hide the pill in honey and just hope for the best – help is available.

Talk to your doctor about what is best for you individually.


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