About us

Our mission is to improve the quality of life for people living with dysphagia and share information about swallowing issues in a friendly manner. Stan's Choice aims to help inform others with swallowing issues based on what we learnt.
About us
A few years ago, Stan started to struggle to eat regular meals. His sons tried to make food that he could swallow but with limited success. Stan has a condition called dysphagia that affects many people with neurological problems.

Stan’s Choice was formed by his sons who were keen to pass on to other families all they had learned and make access to helpful information easier to find.
They discovered that a close friend, Francis, also had similar life experiences and he quickly joined the team
Francis brought with him his skills as a member of the Institute of Food Science and Technology. He has knowledge of food manufacturing operations which complements Ian’s background in business and finance as a Chartered Accountant.
The company has also worked with qualified members of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists and the British Dietetic Association. They gave us advice on the correct texture of meals and the desired nutritional value.
Many elderly people, especially those living with dementia, also live with dysphagia. The
condition makes eating and drinking dangerous, and stressful for them and challenging for family members and others caring for them. The correct support can help to reduce the implications.
Many families are suffering because the people they care for struggle to swallow food and drink.
It was a long time until we even learnt that this was a medical condition called dysphagia.
We found it difficult to find information on how to support people with this condition when we were in this situation.
We eventually found that many organisations do provide information and support, including those focused on conditions that cause neurological problems, such as dementia, stroke survivors, Parkinson’s disease and motor neurone disease. We decided that we wanted to make it easier for other families and carers to find this helpful information.
We also found it difficult to find suitable food for their our dad. We therefore decided to develop a range of ready meals that were suitable for different degrees of dysphagia that were nutritional, tasty and something that Stan would chose to eat.
We want to educate the wider community about the large number of people who have swallowing issues. Please remember you are not alone with this issue and help is available if you know where to find it.
Please see ‘Helpful Info’ and ‘Useful Links’.