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Newsletter – September 2023

Top News

Successful test product achieved

August 2023 was an important month for the company.

After a year in development our first test product successfully went through the full packing and manufacturing cycle.

Favourable feedback was received about the taste and the nutritional value of this textured modified ready meal.

We are very positive about the future.

Due to confidentiality it is not possible to thank all the organisations who made this possible. However, your support is appreciated.

Phew what a scorcher

I can’t believe after the cold and wet weather of July and August that in September we are now suffering from the heat.

I have memories of sitting with Dad, encouraging him to drink a few sips of water to try to keep him hydrated.

It can be a struggle for people to drink especially when they have swallowing issues. This is important even when we are not in a heat wave.

Remembering Stan

August could not go by without remembering Ian’s dad Stanley Haworth after who the company is named.

Born in August 1931, Stan passed away in 2022 just short of his 91 birthday.

He was seldom seen without his cap on.

Look to the future


Contact us

We would love to hear from you with any thoughts or comments on Stan’s Choice.

Drop us an email, comment on Facebook, write us a letter or give us a call.

38 Linden Lea, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB2 5AG, England, UK

Tel: 01254 467070

E mail: [email protected]


Looking to the future

Going forward we are looking to expand our range of textured modified ready meals. Our aim is to meet the needs of people who require level 6 Soft and bite sized, level 5 minced and moist and level 4 puréed meals.

September saw the launch of our digital media campaign to spread the awareness of swallowing issues (dysphagia). Please share our website with friends and colleagues who you think may find our helpful information and useful links section of benefit to them.

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